Dotty The Mental Bitch – Ignorant Selfish Bastard Bloggers


I’ve just been in to my Comments to do my replies and I’ve had a Comment from someone, I won’t say who it was but it WASN’T someone from the mental health blogging community, nor was it someone who’s been a long time follower on here, in fact this person has only ever Liked a few things, I can’t remember them making a comment before. It was on the post where I said I was dreading going to hospital, in reply to the comment that I made to everyone after I approved the comments. Basically this person said why did I post that post because they read my blog for entertainment.

WELL WHO THE FUCK SAID IT’S ONLY AN ENTERTAINMENT BLOG – THE CLUE IS IN THE TITLE, DON’T THE WORDS ‘BEING MENTAL’ MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU, YOU IGNORANT FUCKING PLEB? And what’s it got to do with you anyway? If you didn’t like the post you could have just clicked away from it. At the time I dithered over whether or not I should post it, but I DID post it, and no one else had any complaints, everyone was lovely.

Coincidentally, something similar was posted the other day by a blogger I follow regarding the nature of their blog being compromised and I’ll say the same thing here as I did there – IT’S MY FUCKING BLOG, I’LL DO WAHT I WANT WITH IT. Next time you want to complain about what a blogger has posted on their own blog READ THE BLOG MORE THOROUGHLY TO SEE WHAT IT’S ABOUT BEFORE YOU SPOUT YOUR INANE COMMENTS. TWAT.

This PERSON has annoyed me. I’ll admit, yesterday wasn’t a good day and I’ve been ready to blow all day,and maybe I’m taking it out on them so to be fair I’m going to take it out on ALL SELFISH BASTARD BLOGGERS AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.

The ones who don’t credit other bloggers by posting where they found something, or which blogger they got information from.  BAD MANNERS, FUCKERS.

which leads to —


The PLAYERS who follow and comment and are all nicey nicey until they’ve got what they want (a load more followers on their own blog) AND THEN THEY FUCK OFF. What’s that all about? PLUNDER AND PILLAGE. Think you’re a big Viking?

The ones who Follow you, then as soon as you Follow them back they UNFOLLOW you but they’re too stupid to wait for a week or so until they move further down the list, so you can see straight away it’s them.

This post is going to lose me a SHEDLOAD of followers, but so fucking what, I’m posting it anyway because I’m MENTAL, I’m supposed to say things that ‘normal’ people are too polite (HA!) to say and if what I say pisses you off enough to make you want to unfollow me then that’s because I’VE HIT A BIG FUCKING NERVE and you’re GUILTY OF SOMETHING I SAID. And if you don’t believe what I say is TRUE, think of poor Carrie in Homeland – SHE KNOWS THE TRUTH. Paranoia comes in very handy sometimes, it’s like having second sight but instead of I SEE DEAD THINGS it’s I SEE TRUE THINGS.



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  1. I love you Dotty. And I did give you credit for figuring out the unchecking the box thing. I also am so naive that I didn’t know people followed blogs to get people to follow them and then quit. Assholes.

    Love, Maggie

    • Dear Maggie,

      I’ve had it happen a couple of times – the first time I was gobsmacked, it was a night I couldn’t sleep. Someone liked a few of my posts then followed me so after I’d finished what I was doing I went to look at their blog, liked what I saw, and followed them. A bit later I noticed the follower number had gone down by one – I clicked on and they’d gone! I don’t understand it.

      Love Dotty xxx

  2. I had a rant the other day. I have gotten nasty e-mails, and frankly, I think it shitty to shit on someone else. You write whatever you want to write. Who cares about the posers!!!!

    • Dear tlwb,

      I can’t understand why people do things like that. Why not just go away and find something they want to read?

      Love Dotty xxx

      • I think there should be a dislike button, or a penalty box for those who are mean! – tlwb

      • Dear tlwb,

        Yes, or a FUCK OFF, YOU KNOB button.

        Love Dotty xxx

      • kristaskrede

         /  May 17, 2012

        It’s all because they are poisoned and they need to spew that poison on others to make themselves feel better. It has nothing to do with you and what you write, but it has everything to do with them and their small mindedness. We all have a choice to read what we want to read and if we don’t like what we’re reading, then we have the choice to stop reading it. Take care and don’t take their snarky comments personally, they are not worth your time and energy.

      • Dear krista,

        Thank you, I know I shouldn’t have reacted to it, but they caught me at the wrong time, I’m still wound up from having to go out. I might have just ignored it any other time (or I might not, I don’t know!).

        Love Dotty xxx

      • kristaskrede

         /  May 18, 2012

        It is good that you reacted and basically let them know that their nastiness does not go unnoticed. I hope giving them a piece of your mind has put you in a better place and you’re feeling better. Take care.

      • Dear krista,

        Thank you.

        Love Dotty xxx

  3. I’ve had my fair share of messages from people who obviously didn’t understand what I was saying, didn’t bother reading the post, or have the reading comprehension of my little rat terrier. Or, in a couple of cases, I think they were just trying to start a Blog War. Some people are idiots…Same as in the real world.

    I’m sorry they unloaded their crap on you…Frankly, I think you handled it well… 🙂

    Oh, and Cumberland Sausages.. 🙂 🙂

    — Bird

    • Dear Bird,

      It’s the height of bad manners, I think. I might not agree with certain opinions people post, but if I don’t agree I won’t comment on that opinion – but it won’t stop me appreciating something else about the post and if I like the way it’s been written, or I like other opinions or thoughts, or anecdotes within the post I’ll press Like but I wouldn’t dream of making remarks that go against what the blogger has said – blogs aren’t debating forums, they’re personal even if the posts are about news topics, there’s still a person behind the blog.

      You’re the first to say Cumberland sausages!! MY CUMBERLAND SAUSAGE & BRICK FRIEND – I’m going to start a new collection. 🙂

      Love Dotty xxx

      • Yay!! I love being the First!! I agree…I call it Trolling when people just want to be disagreeable for entertainment’s sake. Moronic and I dismiss that nonsense by deleting their crap. Pick fights with other people…your opinion doesn’t matter to me when you obviously didn’t even read what I wrote. 🙂

      • Dear Bird,

        This is the first time it’s happened (except when someone accused little Emily of being my drug dealer), and I’m a bit shocked that someone would think it’s okay to do it. I didn’t know whether to post this post so I told pouringmyartout I’d done a big rant, should I post it, he said yes, so I did. I’ve deleted that comment and unfollowed them – there should be a button to get rid of our followers too.

        Love Dotty xxx

      • favorite story along this line was when this atheist kept showing up at Christian sites and basically arguing and getting somewhat insulting. (I write about a lot of Christian principles, but since I’m God’s worst child ever, I also cuss, which means people like this atheist don’t really know what to think 🙂 ). Anyways, this other girl Sara has kind of the same kind of site as mine, and he just was going to town on her…Getting personal, stirring the pot, being a complete pain in the ass…And Sara, a Christian, told him to Fuck Off. I laughed and laughed…He didn’t respond for a long time, and then it was somewhat in a more contrite way. Still, sometimes you have to say what you have to say to make yourself feel better. You did just fine!! It is, after all, your space to say whatever the hell you want to say…And you have control of the Delete button. If that person continues to follow you, so be it. After not getting to actually have any of his/her comments posted, they’ll eventually move on to someone else. You go, Girl!! I support your self-expression 110%!!!

      • Dear Bird,

        HA HA HA HA HA HA – Good one Sara! 🙂

        Thank you. I’ve never had anyone complain about all the swearing I do, sometimes if I have a rant (like now) some people will unfollow, and that’s fine, it’s their choice, but why not read what the blog’s about before you join it? I should ahve put that in the post, people who follow blogs willy-nilly, without actually reading them.

        Love Dotty xxx

      • Well, I guess maybe I’m kind of guilty of this. I try to read all of them, but I follow so many that if I miss even one day, I’m behind. Then, if I comment, I get tons of stupid follow-up emails that are mixed in with the blogs I follow…It has become a disaster! But I’m trying…what else can I do?

      • Dear Bird,

        No, no, I’m the same as you, I’ve followed so many I can’t keep up – but those I’ve followed are blogs I’ve looked at, know what they’re about, and like. Sometimes I find a good blog with someone’s novel or fiction on it – I might not be in the mood there and then to read it properly but I’ve read enough to know I like what I see so I’ll go back when I am in the mood. Same with being overwhelmed with all the posts, I did a post about that the other day, I’m behind with mine and I still keep finding blogs I like and following them. There’s too much good stuff out there. No, what I mean is people who keep pressing follow on blogs they’ve barely glanced at with no intention of ever going back to read a post there – or when they do get round to it, they’re indignant because the blog isn’t what they presumed it was from a fleeting impression.

        Love Dotty xxx

        P.S. Go to Reader – Blogs I Follow – Manage My Email Settings and untick the ‘Follow Comment’s buttons and it should stop the follow-up emails – WordPress said it will.

      • lol..Then good. I’m not White Trash after all…That made me a little worried!!! LOL!! I’ve unclicked that sucker twice now. Damn WP. I’ve given up. WP wins, I lose. I may not always agree with something I’ve read but I hit like if I’ve read it because they went to all the trouble to write it and I want them to know I’ve been there and read it. But obviously, we aren’t always going to like every single thing someone writes…I used to hit “like” and then comment about something I liked, but now I’m careful with comments..Though I have learned how to uncheck the email follow-up option…Now to just be able to remember BEFORE I hit reply.. 🙂 I’ll get it!!

      • Dear Bird,

        I’ll keep the tick box disabled so you shouldn’t get any from here.

        thank you for your support tonight (and everyone — thank you!!!!). I’m off to bed to see if I can get to sleep. 🙂

        Love Dotty xxx

      • ‘Night!

      • Dear Bird,

        Thank you. Goodnight.

        Love Dotty xxx

  4. Dear Dotty,
    I think you are brilliant, brave, and beautiful. It is sometimes entertaining to read how you choose to portray your experiences and your struggles. Occasionally, I wonder how fictionalized your actuality is being portrayed. However, by and large, I visit you because you CARE about what you write and fictionalized or not, the truth you share is important.

    Therefore, I salute you in calling out those inane folk who think what they read on your blog (or anyone else’s for that matter) should be about entertaining them. Just don’t allow them to live rent free in your mind or emotions and worry about them beyond this moment.


    • Dear H i R,

      Thank you.

      I know I can be confusing at times but you and everyone else ‘gets’ the blog in the way I intend – and for those that don’t I spelled it out in the introduction letter. This numpty who wrote the comment seemed to think I wasn’t doing my job properly, from the impression I got from they said. I hope they’re reading this.

      Love Dotty xxx

  5. I read this and I thought right on. It is our blog and we can say what we want. If you don’t like a particular post the don’t read it. Stick ti the stuff you like and don’t insult me. I like your blog but I don’t read everything you put up based on not only interest but time as well. And that is how I deal with everyone I follow. I follow around 100 blogs now and try and visit and comment whenever I can. True, I have favorites that I pay closet attention to but if I follow it is only because I saw something I liked. I have yet to unfollow a blog and never will. You choose what you write. I’ll choose what I read and that is all one can ask.

  6. Come on Dotty. Don’t hold back. Tell us how you really feel.

  7. Dear Dotty,
    Now that’s entertainment.

  8. I had no idea people would follow you…only to get YOU to follow THEM. What?! Horrid. And White Trashy.
    I don’t know whether the people that follow me, are still following me.I don’t even know how to check that out. I’m sure it’s cuz I’m new, and blonde..but maybe I should just not find out. How sad and depressing.
    I also find it nasty, when you comment on people’s blogs, and they do not acknowledge your comment. To me, this is the height of rudeness.
    It’s like saying..Hey everyone!! I’m having a party!!! Come Over!! And then people get there, and you have no Cumberland Sausages to serve. And no diet coke. And you hit em on the head with a brick as they leave in a confused jumble of emotion.
    Don’t worry about Naysayers Dotty. Screw em.
    Love Lis

    • Dear Lisa,

      I don’t like it when people don’t acknowledge comments either, it’s rude – if someone had said something about me not answering the individual comments on that hospital I could have understood it better, but I rarely do that, and if I do I post a comment saying why I haven’t.

      Go to your stats page and click on blogs at the bottom of the page if you want to see who’s following you. That page also gives you a link to those people’s blogs.

      Love Dotty xxx

    • Oh man, I know I’ve had comments from people about a post I’ve written, and I haven’t commented on their comment. I do sometimes, but not all the time because sometimes I think they’ve said it all, and if I just reply to say thank you, the post comments could go on and on. I will also admit that sometimes, in blogs where comments are a lot of just thank you’s, I skim quickly through to see if there are any salient comments. Sometimes I forget to like a post because I’ve just gotten all my like out in a comment. Sometimes I like and don’t comment because others’ comments seem to have said it all. BUT, I know what you mean about people who follow you just to get you to follow them. Recently, three bloggers have done that. I’ve gone to their sites and there is nothing there that would intrigue or fascinate or simply interest me, and nothing that relates to any of my posts at all, and I make a decision–that, admittedly, could be wrong or even wrong-headed–to NOT follow them and to delete them from my list of followers. I will also admit that I had to stop going to MySpace because there would be these long drawn-out arguments filled with name-calling and dirty words that were just too irritating to continue to read. I wonder if perhaps that’s why MySpace is now mostly for musicians? Hmmm…I think I just posted a post instead of a comment. Sorry, Ms. Headbanger. Please know I love you and your post and when I don’t it’s because my mental is different from your mental, and I hope you don’t misunderstand if I’ve not liked or commented on one of your creative outpourings. I love your creativity! Now that everyone’s gone to sleep, I guess an apology is also in order. Sorry, Dotty!

      • Dear paralaxvu,

        Don’t be silly, you’ve no need to apologise for anything at all – I don’t mind one bit if the people who regularly read my stuff don’t like or comment on it – the fact you come back is enough for me. It’s me who should apologise for having a tantrum like a whiney baby. 🙂

        Love Dotty xxx

      • No tantrum apologies, please. Then I might–might–have to apologize myself! Although I call mine “rants” cuz in my mentality that sounds more grown-up;-)

      • Dear paralaxvu,

        TRANTRUMS!!! 🙂

        Love Dotty xxx

      • YES!

  9. You go, girl!

  10. You are the greatest! I love this. I loved your mental blog yesterday – I’ve got more to say but driving while typing is BAD!

  11. Dear Dotty, I was going to ask about your appointment. How did it go? Email me your reply when you get the chance. I know I’ve been self-absorbed lately.

    And fuck any fucker who complains that your content is getting too “personal”. It’s your personal blog.

    Loads of Love xoxoxxx

  12. Grumpy

     /  May 17, 2012

    Dear Dotty,
    Glad you are back Dotty, and with a vengeance! Sock it to ’em!
    On the Cumberland Sausage front … I’m making another Cumberland Sausage Casserole this week-end. So easy to do, all the ingredients in one pot. Delicious. Lasts me for two days. Bricks aren’t in the recipe. Bricks would wreak havoc in the dental department.
    Grumpy x

    • Dear Grumpy,

      YAY, Cumberland sausages AND bricks. Why not make a brick barbecue in your garden for making your summer Cumberland Sausage Casseroles?

      Love Dotty xxx

  13. I do wonder what people read sometimes or if they read before leaving their asinine comments..if they want to be purely entertained, then they should do it on their own blogs.

    It is your blog and you should and say what you want, some are so busy ticking the like button in the hopes that it draws them an audience, wanting to show others “how popular” they are, often they are just an irritant, it’s a pity we can’t bock people on here.

    • Dear trh,

      I know. I don’t mind people clicking the Like button, I do it myself if I like a post, and a lot of the time I can’t think of anything to comment anyway – the ones that bother me are the serial Like clickers who don’t come anywhere near your blog but still somehow manage to click Like. I still don’t understand how they do it – and why they’d want to do, but yes, it’ll be what you said, they want to draw an audience.

      Love Dotty xxx

  14. Dearest Dotty,
    You are stuck with me.
    Just so you know,
    I’m sticking around.
    *squishy hugs*
    As for plunderers and
    wannabe-Vikings, they
    are everywhere.
    Fuck ’em! …not literally, mind!
    VW ♥

    • Dear Veggiewitch,


      I thought I might have offended people more than usual and everyone would have run away in big droves. Thank you.:-)

      Love Dotty xxx

  15. You tell ’em, Dotty. Fuck ’em if they don’t like what you post. But you know, some people are just idiots. They can’t help themselves. So all you can do is mock them.

    xoxo Mme Weebles

  16. Well, Dotty, meet your new friend for life! In my “Mama’s Getting Fat” post, I mentioned eating Cumberland Sausages like Dotty Headbanger (hope you don’t mind — I did the hyperlink thing!) because I need to cut down on my consumption of cake! And about these commenters and such, the world is full of assholes, I guess some of them happen to be bloggers.

    • Dear Swordy,

      It’s strange because bloggers on the whole are really nice, (except me!) – I think I’ve been lulled into this little Utopian bloggyland and just didn’t expect it.

      Love Dotty xxx

  17. You are awesome. This is YOUR blog, and you can write whatever you damn well want to. The entertainment bits are amazing and wonderful, and I thank you for them. The other bits are also amazing and wonderful, and I (a fellow mental type, though I haven’t talked about it on the blog yet) give you mounds of credit for being brave and discussing it publicly. And anyone who doesn’t like it doesn’t have to read it. So there.

  18. the howler and me

     /  May 18, 2012

    Dear Dotty,
    Welcome back! People are so weird, I don’t get it. Always gotta sow discontent and assholishness….always doing sneaky self-serving things.

    BLECH! I hope they read your blog and were ashamed of themselves.
    -the howler and me

    • Dear the howler and me,

      So do I. That’s what tipped the balance for posting the post in the end – the thought that they’ll read it and go away.

      I hope your migraine has gone.

      Love Dotty xxx

      • the howler and me

         /  May 18, 2012

        Dear Dotty,
        Thank you, yes the migraine finally has left me alone 48 hours was enough 🙂
        -the howler and me

      • Dear the howler and me,

        Good, I’m glad it’s gone. 🙂

        Love Dotty xxx

  19. I wish this blog had more carrot related topics. 😉

  20. Dorothy

     /  May 18, 2012

    Dotty, fuck them, this is your blog and you can do anything you want with it and call it anything you want. You don’t have to justify anything at all to anyone. This world can be so stupid. I’m gad you have so many great followers, don’t let some mind fucked asshole screw with you. We love you and an enjoy all your postings. I look forward to reading what you’re up to everyday. I feel like a nosy sister always needing to know what you’re doing…LOL. So, screw them! Hope you’re feeling more back to normal from your journey too.
    Love Dorothy

    • Dear Dorothy,

      Thank you. I’ve calmed down (for now). I think that’s why I got so riled up, from all the anxiety from yesterday. I slept for ten hours straight last night but tonight I can’t get to sleep at all so I’ve come back downstairs, there’s no point tossing and turning, it’s not going to happen.

      Love Dotty xxx

  21. Dotty,
    There are a million ways to say I love you and you do it every time you write.

    • Dear Dags,

      You’re the first man that understands this. When I used to leave notes around the house saying ‘Fuck off, Simon,’ he should have KNOWN what I meant.

      Love Dotty xxx

  22. I love this! Yes, You write what You want on Your blog.
    F’ em if they don’t like it!

    I also just want to agree with the paranoid comment. I also have a quote to back it up.

    “Take it from a man who knows: it pays to be paranoid.” ~ Danny Rolling aka the Gainesville Ripper


  23. Love, love, love you, and I know I’m not the only one. Peace and blessings, my dear. But, ah, the burden of those of us who see true things. Thanks for leading us to those true things.

    • Dear dear,

      True things are true things – most prefer the sugar-coated varieties, a few like the bitter ones. We tell them exactly as they are. 😉

      Love Dotty xxx

  24. Dear Dotty, I can tell you are in a good mood. Who wouldn’t be with all that ringing in one’s ears and whatever tests you were exposed to. How was the waiting room? Did you stare back as recommended by me? Which reminds me: Are you into Metal – what with all the headbanging; I am convinced it leads to minor concussions; try and tell Ozzie Osborne – he’ll probably headbutt you (me, that is).

    I am fascinated by the discussion going on here. Knowing what I’ve just learnt I shall try and tread carefully as not to add to pain inflicted by someone else. In one of your replies to Bird you say: “… I wouldn’t dream of making remarks that go against what the blogger has said – blogs aren’t debating forums..”

    Luckily I had already sat down when I read that otherwise I might have fallen off my chair. Not dream of making remarks against what the blogger has said? Why ever not? Blogs are not mutual admiration societies. And those that are are not for me.

    To me my blog and the few I visit, I don’t spread myself quite as widely as some, are just that: A debating forum. I throw a bait, I take a bait. I expect as much honest response as I give. It is immaterial to me whether anyone agrees with me or not. I don’t want band aid when I can have a lively discussion. What’s the point otherwise?


    • Dear bitchontheblog,

      Thank you for asking. No, I didn’t stare back or I’d have jumped up and slapped her nosey face.

      I agree, blogs are not, and shouldn’t be, mutual admiration societies. But I don’t agree that they’re debating forums – at least those that don’t set out to be shouldn’t be treated as though they are.

      I didn’t make myself clear earlier – I was in a foul mood – so let me see if I make any sense now. If someone CHOOSES to invite debates on their blog, or on a specific post, and makes it known that they’re willing for debates to take place I’d happily participate because I know the person is inviting me to do so. But if I read a post on a blog where there’s no mention of inviting debates and I don’t agree with an opinion they voice I wouldn’t say anything for the simple reason I think the blogger should be able to state their opinion without challenge IF THEY DO NOT INVITE IT. It’s a matter of respect – not only for other people’s right to an opinion but for the people themselves who might not be up for a debate for whatever reason and may be upset, hurt or offended if I took it upon myself to challenge them. Personally, I don’t mind if anyone doesn’t agree with me and wants to say so, I like a bit of back and forth – I always win, no one beats Dotty 😉 but if I couldn’t see an invitation to debate on someone’s blog, I wouldn’t.

      Love Dotty xxx

  25. Dotty, you’re brilliant. I just simply love your honesty and your truth and your willingness to just throw it all out there. Never, never change 🙂

    P.S. Cumberland Sausages and bricks. Big bricks. 😛

    • Dear tlsih,

      Thank you. I’ll try not to, I don’t like change.

      Love Dotty xxx

      P.S. YAHOOO! to Cumberland sausages and bricks. Fucking huge massive big bricks – I’ve forgotten how to do the stick your tongue out smiley so I’ll do the sunglasses that Judith taught me instead 😎

  26. One other thing… I’m pretty convinced you created Viz. Tell me it’s true.

    • Dear tlsih,

      No I didn’t, but I was in it – one of the Fat Slags, I’m not telling you which one though. 😎

      Love Dotty xxx

  27. It’s your blog. Write what you like. And to Hell with dissenters! I’ve already said this, but I’ll say it again: YOU’re in charge of your blog. Not WordPress, not visitors. DOTTY’s in charge! Just delete the comments that you think shouldn’t be there. Including this one.

    • Dear Lady Dennis,

      I think I need to have a Bloggy Mantra – I AM IN CHARGE OF MY BLOG, I AM IN CHARGE OF MY BLOG, I AM IN CHARGE OF MY BLOG. But then I wouldn’t be able to think of anything else and that’s all I’d post, every day – I AM IN CHARGE OF MY BLOG, I AM IN CHARGE OF MY BLOG, I AM IN CHARGE OF MY BLOG. 🙂

      Love Dotty xxx

  28. bpshielsy

     /  May 18, 2012

    Well said Dotty!!

    Oh & I use two bricks under a disposable BBQ to cook many meats. Cumberland Sausage being one of them 🙂

  29. You’re not paid to write for someone’s pleasure. It’s great people read our blogs but there’s a line, if you’re not bothered by something they should click back and check something else out. But if someone wants you to write posts specifically for their entertainment than fees can be discussed.

  30. Missus Tribble

     /  May 18, 2012

    I once unfollowed a blogger who left me a “like” on a post just so’s I’d check them out and follow them. Not once did they leave me a comment, never mind reply to any I left them. It transpired that other bloggers had noticed this, and didn’t like people who collect other people any more than I did – especially when their blog was turning into a rant about politeness and they were being rude in ignoring their followers. Hypocrisy will turn me away each and every time – but at least I told them why I was unfollowing.

    You know Dotty, I had no idea that your blog was supposed to be out here for the entertainment of strangers; I thought it was out here to be FOR and ABOUT YOU.

    Have some cumberland sausages on a brick BBQ.

    Love, Missus Tribble

    • Dear Missus Tribble,

      I don’t mind people who collect people, I collect Americans in my collection of Americans (and Canadians). 😉

      No, the blog isn’t for anyone else. Everyone has their own reasons for writing a blog, I should think of mine when i get riled up about something as stupid as a comment. God, I went off on one yesterday, didn’t I? :blush:

      How’s married life treating you?

      Love Dotty sss

      • Missus Tribble

         /  May 19, 2012

        Dear Dotty,

        You had every right to go off on one in my humble opinion.

        Married life is good, even if I haven’t recovered from the event itself yet!

        Love, Missus Tribble xxx

      • Dear Missus Tribble,

        Thank you.

        You need a good rest. 🙂

        love Dotty xxx

  31. Dearest Dotty,

    You go girl.

    Mental Mama

  32. Dear Dotty,

    Way to give ’em hell, girl!!



  33. For the rest of the day, my mind will be mulling over the image of Vikings typing rude blog comments then turning off their computer to go sack a monastery or something.

  34. Wow, it takes a lot of scrolling to reach the bottom… but here it is. Dotty, you’re never gonna loose any serious readers or followers for speaking out loud. Those who get offended, you’re better off without. It’s your blog and you’re in control. If I get really inappropriate comments I ignore them and click TRASH… I treat them like spam. Your blog is not a cheap magazine, where you can do a bit of easy ready, while having your hair cut. Your blog is like a huge fantastic book, with lots of chapters and nuances and continuation.

    • Dear Anette,

      Thank you. I over-reacted the other day. I’ve had a few comments I’ve trashed (very few) but nothing like this one – I felt like they were telling me what to do and how to do it and the mood I was in wasn’t exactly the cheeriest, but I shouldn’t have blown my top the way I did. Oh well. 🙂

      Love Dotty xxx

      • Dotty, it is human to blow the top 🙂 we all do it. I think people coming into your blog or any other blog, must respect the content and the person behind that blog. No matter what. If one doesn’t like the content or a certain post: leave it alone and leave the blog. I think wordpress actually wrote an article about good blog visiting/reading behaviour…
        I have days where I have to stay away from your blog, and other blogs too. When I’m on the brink of meltdown, certain things just doesn’t work. Sometimes I can read, enjoy, and like. And sometimes I’m able to contribute with a meaningful comment.
        I love your blog and your style. Stay true to who you are.

      • Dear Anette,

        Thank you. I’m the same with the mental health blogs, sometimes they’re too much so I stay away for a while until I feel I can read them without having a big doomy doom-fest of my own in response – yet at other times I can read and appreciate (and empathise) without it affecting me.

        Love Dotty xxx

  35. You so fucking rock. Sorry, it’s 2 am, FUCK, 2:28 here and my home has been burglarized 2x this week and I haven’t slept in 48 hours & security folk can’t come til Monday. Did I mention I have 5 offspring? So, let me collect my manners…

    Dear Dotty,

    You so fucking rock (Borderline: “You’re guilty of something Dotty is mentioning, I don’t know which, but definitely something, because you suck and now she doesn’t like you anymore.” Borderline, upon psychiatrist responding to my final query of the mechanism of a new prescription with ‘you can research it online, I do have another patient waiting’: “NOOOOOO! Your beloved (new) psychiatrist is rejecting you for another patient and is abandoning you with his dismissal”).


    PS: My whole post tonight was for you (and my cats, apparently, and maybe some local baseball rivalries). So you know I love you, despite my fairly young blog worship, I always will. Until I die. OK, now onto the end of your foreign born street sweeper’s (mis)adventures in UK.

    • Dear Magic,

      Burgled twice?? That’s awful. What happened??

      Love Dotty xxx

      • Dear Dotty,
        Am starting a new page re. absurdity. If I have the energy before I hop a flight to Niagara Falls & drop to my merciful demise, it will be there. Otherwise. it’s too bleedin’ long.

      • Dear Magic,

        Don’t go to Niagra Falls, do your page. I’ll come and have a look soon.

        Love Dotty xxx

    • Dear Magic,

      What’s happened to your blog??? All your posts have disappeared.

      Love Dotty xxx

      • Hmmm, I just checked they’re there…I reposted on your pet blogs that my address had changed to: but you’ve been commenting since I changed it so cannot imagine…

      • Dear Magic,

        It’s your link that appears next to your gravatar – it took me to I clicked it to look at your page, but usually i get notifications of your posts in my email so I click on them to get to your blog. So it’s your link. Phew! 🙂

        Love Dotty xxx

      • Dear Dotty,

        Thanks for the head’s up, will go to my gravatar & update.

        Love, Magic

      • Dear Magic,


        Love Dotty xxx

      • Dear Dotty,
        I updated it, if you look again can you let me know if it worked?
        Thank you & have a lovely evening.

      • Dear Magic,

        Yes it works. 🙂

        Love Dotty xxx

  36. Dear Dotty,
    Nice one Dotty!! BIG FUCKING LIKE from me. People who don’t like what you post can go all go and suck huge hairy grotesque smelly cheesy testicles.
    Lots of Love
    HS xoxox
    P.S I hope your hospital visit went ok.

  37. I say screw em…they obviously missed the part where our blogs are OUR thoughts and feelings. Good or bad, they are ours. That is why the internet gods put that little X in the corner to close out the tab or browser.. Just like the on / off button on the remote.

    Don’t like it…leave.

    I’ll never understand why people judge so much…worry about yourselves first, then you can worry about others…

    No children or animals are being harmed so move on, nothing to see here….. 😀

  38. Phil

     /  May 29, 2012


    I love a good rant! Especially when it hits a target dead center! I’m pretty sure that no one will accuse you of holding back and sugar coating anything.

    Now I better run off and look at my blog and make sure I’m not of those people you’re bemoaning! And now you’ve got me curious about some Cumberland Sausages – they look delicious. Although I have no idea of how that relates to bricks…

  39. yes definitely screw them and fuck off silly person! Whoever heard of complaining about what a person chooses to put on their own blog! Get a life!

  40. You had me at Fuck off Dotty you had me at Fuck off…..:) I love your balls to the walls attitude…and I love your realness…no worries from me…I will follow you anywhere…all the time….

  41. Hi, there are several members of my family who have mental illness,including myself! I take my meds every day, and since I din’t have cigarettes blocking my medicine anymore, I’ve been healthy! It’d a hard thing to have an illness constantly lurking below the surface! I find writing is s great outlet in aiding anyone and everyone. Thank you for the follow! I think what your writing is very important, keep writing!


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